“Evangelism” is a scary word.
And so the Faith sharing workshop is designed for us, the laypeople who
need encouragement and help to invite people to church, and the walk with God
that comes with it. In the course we
rediscover the good news that God is working in our lives, and that it is
something that we want to share.
We break down the stereotypes, which have given evangelism a scary
name. We find we don’t have to be a
Billy Graham, or even go door to door.
Instead, first we identify those who brought us to God. Most of us have
come though through their friends and neighbors who cared enough to say “come
and see” (John 1:46). This course can
help you be one of those people who invite others to “come and see.”
If you want to feel more comfortable in articulating your faith to
others without coming across as a religious fanatic, this course is for